What I Believe
If you know me personally or have read either my about the author page or political blog , you’ll know that independent thought is extremely important to me. I firmly believe we should all come to our own conclusions about what is right and true – and that we ought to live and act according to those convictions. I understand we are all biased and influenced by those around us, but believe it’s extremely important not to let our beliefs, ideas, and thoughts be based solely on what others have told us. That very mentality is what drove me to become a committed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . I’d like to share that process as the beginning of my newest writing effort – sharing my spiritual perspective on the world. As a young person, I was generally uninterested in religion. That disinterest wasn’t because I felt like there was no God, but because it seemed as though most religions had no particular foundation for speaking authoritatively on the subject. (I don...