Faith, Works, and Feeling What We Need to Feel
I was recently asked to teach a lesson in church based on an article by Henry B. Eyring . It was about the law of tithing , but taught important principles that I think apply to following any of God’s commandments. President Eyring stated, "…paying a full tithe in this life prepares us to feel what we need to feel to receive the gift of eternal life.” I think the same could be said of many other commandments, obedience to them isn’t an end unto itself, but prepares us to feel what we need to feel to receive eternal life. I thought this was an interesting statement because we often hear discussion about what we need to be or do, but rarely do we hear about what we need to feel. President Eyring didn’t teach any groundbreaking doctrine, but clearly expressed in a few words the process of conversion. In my personal experience, I have often made commitments to obey commandments before I truly felt what I needed to feel. I paid tithing because I was asked to before I learned to want ...