Like many Christian churches, mine places a great emphasis on actively sharing a personal witness of our faith. In our church we call it sharing a testimony, other Christians often call it witnessing or use other terminology, but the idea is the same and stems from 1 Peter 3:15 , “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” Our church encourages members to do this both formally and informally, and we dedicate the first Sunday meeting of every month for members to stand at the pulpit and freely share testimonies. While a testimony can take many forms, it generally is an opportunity for someone to stand in front of others and testify of truth. In our particular church culture, it often takes the form of someone saying some combination of, “I know God lives, I know Jesus is the Christ, I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet, I know…..etc.” Such a testimony is often accompanied by sharing personal experiences that helped an individua...