About the Blog

Somewhere along the line I’m sure I was told it’s not a good idea to talk about religion and politics – but as my interest in writing has grown it’s become apparent I don’t agree with many of the things I’ve been told. With that mentality, I started blogging on The Road Well Traveled as a means to share how I see the world – especially when I see it differently from those around me. I write that blog with the intent to stimulate independent thought (mostly my own), introduce new perspectives, and strive to discover truth independent of bias. I often attempt to directly challenge ideas that have become commonplace, with the hopes of discovering how we can truly improve our world. That blog has become a political commentary, but I’ve also learned that I can’t accurately share how I see the world without sharing a spiritual perspective. So I’ve created this blog to ensure I discuss both religion and politics (much to the dismay of those who tried to teach me social etiquette), both of which I believe to be critical to creating a better community. Like my political writing, I don’t intend to convince anyone of anything particular on this blog, but just hope that sharing my thoughts can help you come to your own conclusions. I won’t shy away from sharing my personal spiritual thoughts, experiences, testimony, ideas, opinions, questions, and knowledge, but do so with the intent of letting you judge for yourself what truth is.

I chose Eye of Faith as the blog’s title because faith often requires us to rely on the part of our soul we can’t fully understand. We’re asked to see with an eye of faith that which our temporal eyes and human intellect can’t comprehend. Exercising this faith makes it possible so see things through a different perspective, one I hope to share in this blog. Please read my first post and the about the author page to understand a little about the foundation of my faith as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.